The Swedish Heraldry Society has got a lot of exiting tings going on. We are the leading player in the field of heraldry in Sweden and we are cementing that position even more now with this book project.
We offer you a favorable chance to pre-order
The book edition of The Swedish Register of Arms number 1-200 is a roll of arms containing the first 200 arms registered. All arms are presented with a standard template drawing as seen online together with both Swedish and English blazons.

Regular price is 200 SEK + shipping. Members of the Swedish Heraldry Society or those with registered arms in the SRA may buy it for 150 SEK + shipping. OR you can buy three (3!) books for 300 SEK + shipping. This three-for-300 offer applies only to pre-orders.
This book will be printed in spring 2016 and will be shipped as soon as it is ready.
Place you order today!
Please, send your pre-order to lennart@heraldik.se or at http://heraldik.tictail.com/